REPORT: Trump’s lazy ‘executive time’ makes up 60 percent of his schedule

Trump golf course

An explosive new report reveals just how lazy President Donald Trump has been over the last three months as 60 percent of his schedule is spent in “executive time” while he insists the country is in the middle of a national emergency.

For months, Trump has claimed that a national emergency exists on the southern border as hordes of migrants are supposedly dead-set on invading the nation.

But while Trump publicly acts like the sky is about to fall, he isn’t acting that way inside the White House as he spends nearly his entire day in his special “executive time” tweeting and watching television as chaos reigns around the world and on the home front.

Trump once promised the American people during his 2016 campaign that he would be working so hard that he wouldn’t have time to golf or go on vacation.

“I would rarely leave the White House because there’s so much work to be done,” Trump said in 2015. “I would not be a president who took vacations. I would not be a president that takes time off. You don’t have time to take time off.”

But he has already spent more time golfing and taken more vacation days than his predecessor, former President Barack Obama. And he apparently schedules a lot of time off for himself inside the White House, according to Axios.

Axios obtained dozens of leaked schedules on Sunday detailing Trump’s workday. And while most Americans barely have time to sit down during the day and take a load off, the man who has the hardest job on the planet is planting his a** in front of the television every day for several hours while getting little to nothing done.

According to the report:

Trump, an early riser, usually spends the first 5 hours of the day in Executive Time. Each day’s schedule places Trump in “Location: Oval Office” from 8 to 11 a.m.

But Trump, who often wakes before 6 a.m., is never in the Oval during those hours, according to six sources with direct knowledge.

Instead, he spends his mornings in the residence, watching TV, reading the papers, and responding to what he sees and reads by phoning aides, members of Congress, friends, administration officials and informal advisers.

And tweeting. Let’s not forget that. And his favorite thing to watch on TV is Fox News, not exactly informative.

Using the schedules, Axios calculated the amount of time Trump spends sitting around and rage tweeting during “executive time” versus conducting vital work for the nation.

Trump’s first meeting of the day — usually around 11 or 11:30 a.m. — is often an intelligence briefing or a 30-minute meeting with the chief of staff.

Since Nov. 7, the day after the midterm elections, Trump has spent around 297 hours in Executive Time, according to the 51 private schedules we’ve obtained.

For those same schedules, Trump has had about 77 hours scheduled for meetings that include policy planning, legislative strategy and video recordings.

Some days, Executive Time totally predominates. For instance, he had 1 hour of scheduled meetings on Jan. 18 (with acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney and Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin) and 7 hours of Executive Time.

Making video recordings to brag about himself and lie to the American people is not considered working. In just three months, Trump has basically only worked a total of 77 hours. That’s only a little over three days. Most Americans would be fired from their jobs if they only put in three days worth of work in three months. Extended to a year and assuming an eight-hour workday, Trump only put in 40 days in total out of 365. The rest is rallies, tweeting, golfing, watching television and eating fast-food on the couch.

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders responded to inquiries by laughably claiming that Trump is “the most productive president in history.”

“President Trump has a different leadership style than his predecessors and the results speak for themselves,” she said. “While he spends much of his average day in scheduled meetings, events, and calls, there is time to allow for a more creative environment that has helped make him the most productive President in modern history. President Trump has ignited a booming economy with lower taxes and higher wages, established the USA as the #1 producer of oil and gas in the world, remade our judiciary, rebuilt our military, and renegotiated better trade deals. It’s indisputable that our country has never been stronger than it is today under the leadership of President Trump.”

She’s obviously lying as usual. The economic achievements under Trump’s watch are just a continuation of Obama’s policies that dug America out of a recession. Trump’s trade wars, tax cuts for the rich and government shutdowns threaten to cause another even worse recession. Wages are still considered largely stagnant and the United States was already producing more oil and gas because of the Obama administration.

Furthermore, the military did not need to be rebuilt since it was fully funded by $700 billion budgets that Trump only added pocket change to when he took office. And none of his trade deals have actually taken effect yet, including his so-called USMCA, which is nothing more than just a slightly tweaked NAFTA.

It should also be noted that Trump ignores his intelligence briefings, which is why he continues to be duped by North Korea, insists that ISIS is defeated, and claims Russia did not meddle with the 2016 Election.

This is a president who is so lazy that his staffers have to make up bullsh*t in order to pretend that he’s somehow working even though he clearly isn’t. If this country faced a true national emergency, the president should be working 24/7/365 until it is resolved, not go golfing or spend his time rage-tweeting while watching Fox News.

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