Lou Dobbs faces backlash after calling U.S. generals ‘snowflakes’ who haven’t won a war since 1991


Fox Business host Lou Dobbs is in very hot water over remarks he made about U.S. generals who were reportedly concerned how it would look if they appeared at President Donald Trump’s “Salute to America” event at the Lincoln Memorial, fearing it would cast them as taking sides politically.

Defense Department guidelines, according to CNN, explicitly prohibit uniformed service members from participating in political events.

That led Dobbs to attack U.S. generals on Twitter. And he did so on July 4th, no less:

It didn’t take long for others on social media — especially veterans — to remind Dobbs that he and his idol, Donald Trump (aka Commander Bone Spurs) didn’t serve at all and need to sit down and shut up on the topic of generals, the military, and honor:

Just like Donald Trump, Lou Dobbs is a half-witted bully who thinks he can attack anyone and get away with it. But when he starts trying to slag actual American heroes, he’s stepped over the line.

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