Trump gets trashed online for telling American Jews that Bibi Netanyahu ‘is your prime minister’


On Saturday, President Donald Trump traveled to Las Vegas and spoke to the American Jewish Coalition, and it didn’t take long for him to stick his foot firmly in his mouth as he spoke about Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

As he recalled a recent meeting he had at the White House with Netanyahu Trump told the audience he “stood with your prime minister.”

Keep in mind these were American Jews he was speaking to. They don’t have a prime minister, they have a president named Donald Trump.

Trump also made derogatory comments about Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), remarking:

“A special thanks to Representative Omar of Minnesota.

“Oh, I forgot. She doesn’t like Israel, I forgot, I’m sorry. No, she doesn’t like Israel, does she? Please, I apologize.”

It didn’t take long for Twitter to light up with horror and outrage in response to what Trump had just said:

Where’s the outrage from Congressional Republicans?! Guess we can’t hear them for all those chirping crickets, huh?

Featured Image Via C-SPAN