Don Jr. Gloats Over Al Franken’s Resignation – Internet Karma Nails Him

Shortly after Minnesota Senator Al Franken (D) resigned on Thursday, Donald Trump Jr. thought it would be a great idea to go celebrate on Twitter (just like his daddy) and engage in some completely unnecessary celebrating:

Instead of recognizing that Senator Franken had done something noble and honorable, Trump decided to make a joke out of a somber moment and celebrate.

And of course, he completely missed the irony of him even daring to comment on sexual harassment or sexual assault in the first place. His father, accused of groping women, kissing them against their will, and even, as he bragged to Access Hollywood, grabbing them “by the pussy.”

What Trump Jr. also didn’t anticipate is the social media reaction he got for his flippant remark:

With the hypocrite still in the White House, we’ve seen it all.

Featured Image Via Gage Skidmore for Flickr/CC BY-SA 2.0.