NRA whines to membership about their financial woes and warns they may be forced to shut down

LaPierre NRA

The National Rifle Association (NRA) is panicking because the organization’s financial power is on the wane, and they are so desperate for money that executive vice president and top scaremonger Wayne LaPierre sent a fundraising letter to membership warning of a potential shutdown.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and the state government has made it clear to banking industry titans and insurance companies that dealing with the NRA is not a stain they want on their businesses, which is why many of them are cutting financial ties with the conservative pro-gun lobby.

For years, the organization has had the blood of children on its hands as it defends gun rights and refuses to support even the most logical and popular kinds of gun control measures, including tighter background check laws that would not affect the ability of law-abiding citizens to purchase firearms.

If that’s not reason enough to cut ties with the NRA, there’s also the organization’s corrupt ties to Russia and its coordination with President Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign, a campaign they helped fund with $30 million.

Needless to say, the NRA has lost millions of dollars and has spent a whole lot less on political campaigns, so LaPierre wrote a letter to members this week begging for money using the same scare tactics they are known for.

“Right now we’re facing an attack that’s unprecedented not just in the history of the NRA, but in the entire history of our country,” the letter began. “And if this attack succeeds, NRA will be forced to shut down forever.”

“And let me be clear,” he continued. “Cuomo’s tactics are already working. One by one, more and more banks and insurance companies across the country are knuckling under to Cuomo’s threat—and telling NRA they won’t do business with us—because they don’t want to be targeted and crushed by Cuomo’s strong-arm tactics and the vast power of thousands of New York bureaucrats.”

“I’m counting on your financial support to keep us in operation while we fight in the courts to prevent a total NRA shutdown. Very soon, unless we can force Cuomo to break off this attack, NRA will have no choice but to cease operations after 147 years of fighting for freedom,” the letter went on before concluding with a classic comparison to real authoritarian governments.

“You and I have seen how the power of government has been used in China and Cuba and North Korea to stamp out opposing views and silence political opponents,” he concluded. “But never in my life did I think we’d see these tactics brazenly and openly deployed by government officials, right here in the United States, to destroy people and organizations they disagree with. The Second Amendment cannot cannot survive without the NRA, and the NRA cannot survive without your help right now.”

If anything is a false flag, it’s this whiny letter. The NRA is losing money, which means the executives are losing money, which is why they are really panicking. Their own wallets are much lighter and they personally profit off scare tactics and gun violence. Ginning up more fear and violence is a profit-making strategy.

But NRA only has themselves to blame. Their refusal to even support a single common-sense gun law that would prevent future mass shootings in this country has made the organization a liability to financial institutions that serve a majority of the nation, not just the NRA. And the majority of the American people support strengthening gun laws to finally do something about these terrible tragedies that keep happening again and again no matter how many “thoughts and prayers” are offered. Even gun owners support such laws. So, if the NRA shutters its doors because they go bankrupt, so be it. Few Americans will actually shed a tear.

Featured Image: Wikimedia