College admissions officer says Trump only got into Wharton thanks to family connections

Anytime his intelligence is in question, President Donald Trump always claims that the college he attended proves that he’s smart, remarking:

“I went to the Wharton School of Business. I’m, like, a really smart person.”

But it turns out that Trump didn’t get into Wharton — which is at the University of Pennsylvania — because he was a scholar, according to The Washington Post, which reports that former admissions officer James Nolan says the reason Trump was admitted had everything to do with a phone call made by his older brother, Fred Jr.:

“He called me and said, ‘You remember my brother Donald?’ Which I didn’t.” [Trump Jr.] said, ‘He’s at Fordham and he would like to transfer to Wharton. Will you interview him?’ I was happy to do that.”

After meeting with young Donald, Nolan recalled that he didn’t exactly consider him to be very bright:

“I certainly was not struck by any sense that I’m sitting before a genius. Certainly not a super genius.”

The Post report is just the latest evidence that while Trump loves to claim he’s a self-made man, he’s had everything handed to him on the proverbial silver platter, as HuffPost notes:

Last year, the New York Times reported that, contrary to the president’s claims that he transformed a “small loan” of $1 million from his father into a “massive empire,” Fred Trump Sr. actually loaned his son at least $140 million in today’s dollars.

Trump’s dad also helped his son avoid financial ruin more than a few times, such as in 1990 when he sent one of his bookkeepers to Atlantic City in 1990 to buy $3.5 million in casino chips so his son could make a bond payment.

Yes, we have a supposedly brilliant man who only got into college thanks to his brother. A great businessman who had to be repeatedly bailed out by his daddy. A man so successful in the real estate business that he filed for bankruptcy on three separate occasions, and had multiple casinos go belly-up even though casinos always make money.

Donald Trump is a fraud and a con man. He has never worked a day in his life and his so-called “accomplishments” are nothing more than lies, puffery, and outright BS. That’s probably why he’s made such a terrible president and an even worse human being.

Featured Image Via the BBC