Doctors Rip Rick Santorum A New One Over CPR Comments


Former Pennsylvania Republican Senator Rick Santorum should stick to politics instead of telling students how to treat gunshot victims.

On Sunday, Santorum viciously attacked the millions of students who participated in the worldwide March For Our Lives protest against gun violence by telling them to learn CPR instead.

“How about kids, instead of looking to someone else to solve their problem, do something about maybe taking CPR classes or trying to deal with situations where there is a violent shooter,” Santorum said on CNN.

And that’s when real health professionals from around the country weighed in, and they showed no mercy to Santorum as they schooled him on Twitter about how CPR is useless when a gunshot victim is bleeding out.

Yeah, Santorum would have been better off keeping his mouth shut.

CPR is a worthy skill to learn, but it won’t help someone who has been shot in the chest or head or any other vital area of the body. Plus, stopping to perform CPR on someone who has been shot during a shooting only puts the person who stopped in danger of being shot as well.

Instead of consulting the NRA for distracting rhetoric, Santorum should consult doctors before going on television to embarrass himself.

Featured Image: Wikimedia