Marco Rubio gets endlessly mocked after posting ‘abomination’ Bible verse that perfectly fits Trump

It has become apparent that just about every Republican needs to delete their social media accounts, if only to avoid the embarrassment and humiliation they bring upon themselves with their ill-time and frequently tone deaf postings.

Such is the case with Senator Marco Rubio, who must have thought there couldn’t be anything controversial about sharing a Bible verse on Twitter:

Wow! Is Rubio really so clueless that he didn’t consider that President Donald Trump meets every single one of these conditions? Think about it:

  • Trump has told over 10,000 lies since taking office.
  • The president uses racist rhetoric to divide the country into cliques.
  • “Wicked schemes” perfectly describes what Trump is doing by ripping immigrant children from their parents and holding them in prisons.
  • “Run to evil” is what can be said about having multiple affairs and then paying hush money.
  • Trump regularly bears false witness by accusing others of things they haven’t done.

Here’s a look at some of the best responses to Rubio’s tweet:

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