
Missouri Republicans move to end abortions in the state entirely

On the heels of a new law banning abortions after eight weeks, Missouri is now looking to end abortions entirely by forcing the last...
Baby getting a vaccination

Social Media, Fake News, And Affluence Are Aiding A Surge In The Anti-Vaxxer Movement...

We've all seen how the proliferation of echo chambers on social media can have disastrous consequences for American democracy. As people are saturated with...

Al Franken returns to brilliantly remind the GOP how much they suck at healthcare

Former Senator Al Franken (D-Minn.) took President Donald Trump and the Republicans to the woodshed this week for reviving their attacks on Obamacare. Republican strategists...

Trump gets laughed at for claiming Obamacare doesn’t work and does work at the...

President Donald Trump simultaneously claimed on Tuesday that Obamacare doesn't work, but that it does work, resulting in people pointing and laughing at him...

House Republican leader admits: Trying to repeal Obamacare cost GOP control of Congress

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) is saying that most Republicans have been unwilling to: Their repeated attempts to take health care away from...
magic mushrooms containing psilocybi

Denver effort to decriminalize magic mushrooms proves successful — barely

In 2005, Denver became the first city in America to decriminalize weed. Now the city has become the first to decriminalize the use and...

Rep. Sean Duffy is about to go on Obamacare to save his child’s life...

On Monday, Rep. Sean Duffy (R-WI) announced that he was retiring from Congress, saying he was doing so for family reasons. As it turns out,...

Nikki Haley gets brutally fact checked after claiming national health care doesn’t work

Nikki Haley, the former ambassador to the United Nations, thought she'd weigh in on a topic she knows next to nothing about and wound...

Studies show Obamacare improved cancer outcomes as Trump keeps trying to kill it

If President Donald Trump succeeds in killing the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, he will be effectively sentencing many cancer patients to...

Trump, GOP Stripped Health Insurance From 270,000 Children In 2018

Thanks to the GOP-controlled Congress and the draconian policies of the Trump administration, over a quarter of a million American children lost their health...

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randy rainbow poor deplorable troll

Randy Rainbow’s Triumphant “Poor Deplorable Troll” Nails Trump, Perfectly

If you are a 90s child, "poor unfortunate soul" is a tune that will never leave your mind, and Ursula singing it is the...
allies and protesters face off with police

Amplify Black Voices: POC Don’t Need Us To Speak, They Need Us To Listen

Let me start here: I am a white woman. I have a lot to say about the protests, police brutality, race relations in the...
Trump rejects responsibility for poison control calls increase across the country

Watch Trump’s Responses Over Time as 5 States See Rise in Poison Control Calls

On April 23, 2020, in the midst of a pandemic sweeping across the country, Donald Trump addressed the nation and broached the subject of...