Rudy Giuliani accidentally admits Trump is no longer under IRS audit (Video)

According to President Donald Trump, he cannot safely release his income tax returns because he's under audit from the IRS. It's a bogus excuse,...

White House tells former official to ignore Democratic subpoena — Things go south from...

The House Oversight Committee plans to schedule a vote to hold a former White House personnel security director in contempt of Congress for failing...

Trump meets with Twitter CEO, and the social media platform explodes with scorn and...

On Tuesday at the White House, President Donald Trump met behind closed doors with Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, and he later tweeted out this...

GOP governor of Maryland slams Republicans for their blind loyalty to ‘dear leader’ Trump

Governor Larry Hogan (R-MD), who has been touted as a possible primary opponent for President Donald Trump in the Republican primary, said Tuesday in...
J. W. Verret, a Scalia Law School Republican professor and former Trump transition staffer,

Former Trump staffer: GOP’s ‘blind devotion’ to Trump serves to ‘enable criminal conduct’

J. W. Verret, a Scalia Law School Republican professor and former Trump transition staffer, says that, following reading the redacted Mueller report, Republicans who...

Mitch McConnell says he’ll bring the country to a screeching halt if Trump loses...

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said Monday that if a Democrat is elected president in 2020, he will do everything in his power...

Trump goes on bizarre, extended rant in front of children at White House Easter...

At the annual White House Easter Egg Roll on Monday morning, President Donald Trump demonstrated yet again that he should never be allowed to...

Trump files lawsuit against Rep. Elijah Cummings to block scrutiny of his finances

Attorneys for President Donald Trump filed suit Monday morning in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia to block a congressional subpoena...

Morning Joe laughs at Trump for his endless whining about the Mueller report that...

According to President Donald Trump, the Mueller report which was released last week totally exonerates him and proves he did nothing wrong as it...

Former KKK leader David Duke demands that Trump fire ‘Zionist Supremacist’ Jared Kushner

Ex-KKK Grand Wizard David Duke took to Twitter this week and instructed President Donald Trump to fire his son-in-law/senior adviser Jared Kushner. Duke's posting depicts...

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Randy Rainbow’s Triumphant “Poor Deplorable Troll” Nails Trump, Perfectly

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