Fox host Bret Baier bombarded with hate mail for daring to host Bernie Sanders...

On Monday evening, Fox News hosted a town hall meeting with 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders (I-VT), but apparently a lot of Fox...
Trump Obama

#ObamaOutdidTrump is the new hot hashtag trend

To mark President Donald Trump's attendance at the G7 summit in France over the weekend, Democratic Coalition chair Jon Copper thought it would be...

Kamala Harris expertly shuts down Bill O’Reilly for being a pig

Disgraced former Fox News host Bill O'Reilly thought he'd crawl out of whatever hole resides in so he could weigh on the announcement made...

Trump uses racist trope to claim Hispanics support his wall because his poll numbers...

President Donald Trump engaged in some racism on Sunday morning in a tweet touting his rising poll numbers of Hispanics, claiming that they must...

GOP Senator Starts A Rumor About Justice Kennedy In A Desperate Bid To Win...

Sen. Dean Heller (R-Nevada) is considered "the most vulnerable Republican up for re-election in 2018," as the only incumbent Republican up for re-election representing a...

AOC gives Sarah Sanders a Bible lesson for saying God will take care of...

Tuesday evening, White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders went on "Hannity" and decided she'd dis New York Democratic Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, telling Sean Hannity...

Americans respond to GOP’s Tax Day tweet for claiming Trump’s tax law puts money...

Americans are raising holy hell on the Republican Party for daring to spout falsehoods about President Donald Trump's tax law on Tax Day in...
Kid Rock

Trump lover Kid Rock gets a** handed to him for insulting Democratic supporter Taylor...

Washed up musician and President Donald Trump supporter Kid Rock viciously attacked superstar artist Taylor Swift on Twitter for being a Democrat on Friday....

Walter Shaub Reveals Trump’s Hypocrisy After Unhinged Twitter Rant About Mueller Prosecutors

President Donald Trump got his ass handed to him on Friday by former Office of Government Ethics Director Walter Shaub in response to his...
Justice Roberts

Republicans outraged as Chief Justice Roberts rules against Trump’s citizenship question

Chief Justice John Roberts has conservatives in a real dither after siding with the court's liberal justices on two key rulings. In a court...

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randy rainbow poor deplorable troll

Randy Rainbow’s Triumphant “Poor Deplorable Troll” Nails Trump, Perfectly

If you are a 90s child, "poor unfortunate soul" is a tune that will never leave your mind, and Ursula singing it is the...
allies and protesters face off with police

Amplify Black Voices: POC Don’t Need Us To Speak, They Need Us To Listen

Let me start here: I am a white woman. I have a lot to say about the protests, police brutality, race relations in the...
Trump rejects responsibility for poison control calls increase across the country

Watch Trump’s Responses Over Time as 5 States See Rise in Poison Control Calls

On April 23, 2020, in the midst of a pandemic sweeping across the country, Donald Trump addressed the nation and broached the subject of...