
Rick Santorum goes off the rails defending Trump after Cohen testimony

CNN political analyst Rick Santorum demonstrated on Wednesday night that his usefulness as an analyst has reached beyond its expiration date when he desperately...
Klobuchar allegedly abused her staff

Reports of Klobuchar’s staff treatment is merely the tip of a larger iceberg, reports...

Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) is facing a storm of media scrutiny amid allegations that she's seriously abused her staff, but it turns out that...

Ocasio-Cortez gets Cohen to admit Trump committed crimes justifying Congress to obtain his tax...

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wasted no time when she took her turn questioning President Donald Trump's former lawyer Michael Cohen, and his answers put Trump...

Congressman Mark Meadows tells Michael Cohen Trump can’t be a racist because he hires...

As part of his testimony before the House Oversight Committee, Michael Cohen noted that he considers President Donald Trump to be a racist based...

WATCH: Elijah Cummings tells Republicans their days of protecting Trump are over during Cohen...

During the opening moments of a House Oversight Committee hearing to listen to testimony by Michael Cohen, chairman Elijah Cummings (D-Md.) delivered a rebuke...

WATCH Michael Cohen shame Congressman Jim Jordan for trying to put words in his...

During his Congressional testimony Wednesday morning, Michael Cohen, who served as President Donald Trump's personal attorney for 10 years, wasn't shy about fighting back...

Rep. Jim Jordan spins Clinton conspiracy theories in desperate attempt to trash Michael Cohen

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) tried to suggest all of the trouble President Donald Trump is facing as a result of testimony from Trump's former...

James Clapper concludes Trump knew about Russia contacts after reading Cohen’s opening statement

President Donald Trump's former lawyer Michael Cohen dropped major bombshells on Wednesday about contacts with Russians during the 2016 Election that caused former Director...

Donald Trump Jr. claims Democrats hate his father more than they love America

According to Donald Trump Jr., Congressional Democrats hate his daddy so much that they're deliberately trying to sabotage his summit with North Korean dictator...

Laura Ingraham compares Planned Parenthood to Hitler, says both practiced ‘mass extermination’

According to Fox News host Laura Ingraham, Planned Parenthood is in the same class with genocidal German leader Adolf Hitler, because both of them...

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