Trump Russia

Russia lands planes and at least 100 troops in Venezuela

Russian dictator Vladimir Putin humiliated and challenged President Donald Trump again over the weekend when Russian planes and troops arrived in Venezuela to counter...
Women for Trump rally

Analysis: Counties where Trump held presidential rallies saw a skyrocket in hate crimes

In a Twitter post, Chelsea Clinton pointed out that "counties that hosted a 2016 Trump rally saw a 226 percent increase in hate crimes,"...
nuclear test

Psychiatrist warns Trump may blow up the world to distract from Mueller report

President Donald Trump is so desperate to bury Special Counsel Robert Mueller's final report and stay in power that he may blow up the...

Syria and the world object after Trump recognizes more illegally seized territory for Israel

President Donald Trump violated international law by recognizing the Golan Heights territory for Israel on Thursday, a move that has inflamed the Middle East...

Nikki Haley gets brutally fact checked after claiming national health care doesn’t work

Nikki Haley, the former ambassador to the United Nations, thought she'd weigh in on a topic she knows next to nothing about and wound...
Daubenmire is a right-wing Christian

Right-Wing YouTube star tells fellow Christians to ‘pay zero attention’ to New Zealand mosque...

In the aftermath of the deadly shootings that claimed 50 lives at two mosques in Christ Church, New Zealand, at least one right-wing Christian...
Brazilian President, Jair Bolsonaro, Trump

Trump is happily exporting ‘fake news’ attacks on the free press worldwide

Trump and the new "Trump of the Tropics" stood before the world in the Rose Garden on Tuesday and attacked the free press. Trump...
Fox News

Fox News gets caught peddling fake news about alleged capture of ISIS fighters in...

Fox News got busted spreading fake news on Tuesday for claiming in an article that five senior ISIS fighters involved in the killing of...
Trump Putin

Senate Intelligence Committee has ‘circumstantial evidence’ of Trump-Russia collusion

The Senate Intelligence Committee has reportedly uncovered circumstantial evidence of collusion between President Donald Trump and Russia during the 2016 election, according to sources...
Kellyanne Conway

Kellyanne Conway tells Fox News viewers they should read New Zealand terrorist’s entire manifesto

White House counselor Kellyanne Conway encouraged Fox News viewers to read the entirety of the New Zealand mass shooter's manifesto on Monday as if...

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randy rainbow poor deplorable troll

Randy Rainbow’s Triumphant “Poor Deplorable Troll” Nails Trump, Perfectly

If you are a 90s child, "poor unfortunate soul" is a tune that will never leave your mind, and Ursula singing it is the...
allies and protesters face off with police

Amplify Black Voices: POC Don’t Need Us To Speak, They Need Us To Listen

Let me start here: I am a white woman. I have a lot to say about the protests, police brutality, race relations in the...
Trump rejects responsibility for poison control calls increase across the country

Watch Trump’s Responses Over Time as 5 States See Rise in Poison Control Calls

On April 23, 2020, in the midst of a pandemic sweeping across the country, Donald Trump addressed the nation and broached the subject of...