Amazon ambassadors

Amazon ambassadors are trolling the American public — transparently

In an age of fake news and false flags, one of the largest companies in the country is getting in on the disinformation game...

Leading economic indicator that predicted the 2008 Great Recession signals another is coming soon

As he cranks up his re-election campaign with historically low approval ratings, President Donald Trump plans to run on the economy and good numbers...
Trump in a gold room

Trump Tries To Get House/Senate To Pass A Tax Bill That Mostly Helps Trump

Stephanie Ruhle, in a segment of "Money, Power, Politics," gave an analysis of the "radical" House and Senate GOP tax plans. The GOP wants...
Mitch McConnell and Elaine Chao

Watchdog group demands investigation of Transportation Secretary and Mitch McConnell’s wife, Elaine Chao

The conflicts of interest of the Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell have been plentiful this year, with reports about investments in Kentucky by a...

Rubio Admits: GOP Trickle-Down Tax Plan Isn’t Working For Average Americans

Ever since Ronald Reagan was president back in the 1980s, the GOP mantra on taxes has been the same: If you cut taxes for...

GOP Tax Plan: Smaller Tax Form – Bigger Burden

Despite the fact that the nation is reeling from yet another mass shooting, indictments in the Trump-Russia collusion investigation, and the President's most recent...

King Trump Gives Native American Tribal Leaders This Advice

Trump genuinely does not understand how government works. Pay attention, because his behavior in the coming months will likely worsen.  At a meeting with a...

Judge Rules On Round 1 Of CFPB Showdown

A showdown began when Richard Cordray, the director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, announced he would step down from his position. Cordray then promoted his chief...

The FCC Is At It Again

It was only last week that the Federal Communications Commission voted to undo net neutrality, a move that is sure to impact the web...
Trump on trade

The laws of economics prove stronger than Trump’s gut instincts

The Washington Post's Fact Checkers deserve all of our praise for their valiant efforts to record the non-stop flood of lies emanating from Donald...

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randy rainbow poor deplorable troll

Randy Rainbow’s Triumphant “Poor Deplorable Troll” Nails Trump, Perfectly

If you are a 90s child, "poor unfortunate soul" is a tune that will never leave your mind, and Ursula singing it is the...
allies and protesters face off with police

Amplify Black Voices: POC Don’t Need Us To Speak, They Need Us To Listen

Let me start here: I am a white woman. I have a lot to say about the protests, police brutality, race relations in the...
Trump rejects responsibility for poison control calls increase across the country

Watch Trump’s Responses Over Time as 5 States See Rise in Poison Control Calls

On April 23, 2020, in the midst of a pandemic sweeping across the country, Donald Trump addressed the nation and broached the subject of...