Sean Hannity’s big mouth may have just placed him at the center of a...

During an interview with President Donald Trump that aired Thursday evening on Fox News, host Sean Hannity blurted out something that could wind up...

In 2017, Grace Slick struck a blow for gay rights and it’s still reverberating

During the 2017 Grammy awards, the notoriously anti-gay fast-food chain Chick-fil-A aired a perky commercial that featured Starship's song "Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now."...

CNBC editor has bad news for Trump about his economic promises as growth drops

President Donald Trump not only left Vietnam empty-handed without a promised denuclearization deal with North Korea, he arrived back to the United States to...

Trump biographer reveals: The Donald thinks Don Jr. is his least intelligent child

During his testimony before the House Oversight Committee on Wednesday, President Donald Trump's former attorney, Michael Cohen, noted that the president's oldest son, Don...

Ryan Costello (R-Pa) warns Senate Republicans to pass sensible background check bills or face...

If Senate Republicans are smart, they will pass a pair of gun control bills passed by the House this week, because former Rep. Ryan...
Eternal Ink, Eric Catalano, tattoo

Tattoo artist finds his calling helping amputees and breast cancer survivors

A tattoo artist from Hecker, Illinois seems to be revolutionizing the tattoo industry and social media in the process. When most people think of a...

Conservative ‘The View’ hosts praise AOC and Elijah Cummings for their performance during Cohen...

"The View" hosts Abby Huntsman and Meghan McCain actually had high praise for Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) and House Oversight Committee chairman Elijah Cummings...

Morning Joe trashes Republicans for trying to cover for Trump’s crimes during Cohen hearing

Morning Joe host Joe Scarborough shamed Republicans on the House Oversight Committee on Thursday for desperately trying to protect President Donald Trump as his...

Fox legal analyst: Cohen’s testimony implicates Trump in four felonies (Video)

Fox News analyst Andrew Napolitano is saying that testimony from President Donald Trump's former attorney and fixer, Michael Cohen, implicates the president in at...

Angry Trump dubs Cohen testimony a ‘fake hearing,’ says his former attorney ‘lied a...

Remarkably, President Donald Trump managed to make it through an entire day of testimony from his former attorney, Michael Cohen, without a single tweet....

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Randy Rainbow’s Triumphant “Poor Deplorable Troll” Nails Trump, Perfectly

If you are a 90s child, "poor unfortunate soul" is a tune that will never leave your mind, and Ursula singing it is the...
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