Jeanine Pirro demands that the entire Congress be ‘fired’ for daring to oppose Trump...

Fox News host Jeanine Pirro accused Congress of "failing" President Donald Trump on immigration and issued a call for every member in the House...

AOC calls for birth control to be free and readily available over the counter

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) said on Twitter that she believes that birth control in the United States should be free and available without a...
Trump and McConnell

Republican Senators told to come up with ACA replacement STILL come up with nothing

Three months ago in March, Trump abruptly decided that he would obliterate Obamacare with something "beautiful." He made a statement so ludicrous that you...

Republicans busted trying to blame Democrats for congressional pay raise GOP leaders helped negotiate

Republican House leaders got caught with egg on their faces after agreeing to negotiate a pay raise for members of Congress and then sending...

Hypocrite Hannity has full-scale hissy fit over Nancy Pelosi saying Trump needs to be...

Fox News host Sean Hannity, much like his political savior, President Donald Trump, is a  hypocrite who loves to attack those who disagree with...

Trump says senators who oppose him on tariffs and trade war ‘have no idea...

President Donald Trump said Thursday that any members of the U.S. Senate who oppose his plan to impose trade tariffs on Mexico until they...
Guns are a deadly addiction for some

Guns and the male psyche: Researchers find firearms really do mess with men’s heads

The shooting in Virginia Beach has left people wondering why the gunman decided to solve his problems by using guns. But the answer isn't...

Republican senators team with Democrats to block Trump’s arms sales to Saudi Arabia

Republican and Democratic members of the U.S. Senate are preparing to pass a series of joint resolutions that will block President Donald Trump from...

Angry GOP senator says Trump has ignored her advice on tariffs: ‘I’m not pleased’

As President Donald Trump enjoys his state visit to Great Britain, back at home his expanding trade and tariff war has members of his...
Mitch McConnell and Elaine Chao

Watchdog group demands investigation of Transportation Secretary and Mitch McConnell’s wife, Elaine Chao

The conflicts of interest of the Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell have been plentiful this year, with reports about investments in Kentucky by a...

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randy rainbow poor deplorable troll

Randy Rainbow’s Triumphant “Poor Deplorable Troll” Nails Trump, Perfectly

If you are a 90s child, "poor unfortunate soul" is a tune that will never leave your mind, and Ursula singing it is the...
allies and protesters face off with police

Amplify Black Voices: POC Don’t Need Us To Speak, They Need Us To Listen

Let me start here: I am a white woman. I have a lot to say about the protests, police brutality, race relations in the...
Trump rejects responsibility for poison control calls increase across the country

Watch Trump’s Responses Over Time as 5 States See Rise in Poison Control Calls

On April 23, 2020, in the midst of a pandemic sweeping across the country, Donald Trump addressed the nation and broached the subject of...